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Become a Funder

Join us to fund cutting-edge research seeking scalable solutions to carbon sequestration

Big problems need visionary solutions

Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at Gigaton scale is one of our biggest global challenges. Not only do we need innovative science, but also viable solutions that are scalable, sustainable and cost-effective. By joining us as a funding partner, you will be supporting some of the best and most novel biotechnology research into natural carbon removal pathways, and help prevent catastrophic climate change.

Core strategic partner

Become a core strategic partner of CTRF. Join Fremr, our founding partner, and have a say in our organisational strategy, research focus and operational direction, as well as an invitation to join our Board.

Research programme funder

Become a research programme funder, jointly investing into a portfolio of projects and knowledge sharing, looking at cutting edge research into carbon biosequestration.

Research project co-funder

Join us in co-funding specific research projects that have the potential to discover transformative solutions to the carbon removal challenge.

Our Current Research Priorities – Biotechnology and Carbon Removal

Metabolic engineering in plants

Improving photosynthetic efficiency in higher plants and algae by optimizing key enzymes, creating novel photorespiration bypass routes or carbon fixing pathways, or adapting other elements of the photosynthetic machinery or plant architecture to sequester more carbon.

Soil carbon sequestration

Investigating the potential of soil carbon sequestration, adapting the root-soil ecosystem, exploring symbiotic relationships with microbes and fungi and the sequestration potential of archaea.

Engineering of photosynthetic organisms

Understanding photosynthetic organisms and their role in carbon sequestration. Engineering of faster growing strains of algae, bacteria or fungi, those that produce a higher proportion of carbon in their biomass or co-cultivation with carbon concentrating organisms.

Ocean carbon removal

The application of biotechnology to increase the ocean’s ability to remove and store carbon.

Biotech-enhanced weathering

Investigating colonies of microorganisms, plants, lichens and fungi that co-exist in local ecology to speed up dissolution rates. Promotion of bio-enhanced mineralisation through engineering of sub-surface microbiota.
View our projects

Fremr is our founding member and funder

Fremr is a sustainable investment business based in Norway, committed to a low carbon sustainable future for all, and established CTRF as a non-profit entity to help fund brilliant research ideas to tackle the climate crisis. Fremr would welcome other foundations, companies and philanthropists who share our passion for research and innovation to join us and support CTRF in seeking novel ways to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in response to the climate crises.

Introduction from our founder, Stig Arff – Chair, Fremr

Join us and pursue brilliant scientific research and innovation

We are looking for a core group of committed funding partners to join CTRF to identify and support ground breaking research into tackling the urgent need to remove carbon from the atmosphere at scale.

Join us to fund transformational research
Scientist pouring organic substances into petri dish

What is carbon removal and why is it needed?

The IPCC recognises we cannot stabilise the climate at safe levels without carbon dioxide removal playing a significant role.

Why is carbon removal needed?

Keeping temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C, as outlined in the Paris Agreement, will require us to reach net-zero emissions globally by midcentury. Reaching this goal, which many recognize is already beyond reach, will require deep emissions reductions, first and foremost, from every sector of the economy. Unfortunately, we are now at the stage where carbon removal is now needed alongside those efforts to balance residual GHG emissions that cannot, or would not, be reduced by midcentury if abatement technologies do not become available or cost effective at scale. Even after we reach net-zero, carbon removal can help reduce the historic excess concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (sometimes called ‘legacy emissions’), as well as the residual emissions from hard-to-abate industries, such as cement and steel, to safer levels. Current concentrations of CO2 are already causing more frequent and intense extreme weather events and sea level rise that are disproportionately affecting countries least responsible for these emissions.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the world’s most authoritative body on climate science, has stated that all pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C will require some degree of carbon removal. Realistically, this is now a challenge to limit the size and time of ‘overshoot’, given the scientific evidence showing that 1.5°C will be surpassed in the early to mid 2030s.

The IPCC’s climate modelling scenarios indicate that dependence on carbon removal could vary widely, from less than 1 billion tonnes per year to more than 10 billion tonnes per year of carbon dioxide removed. Other estimates that use different methodologies also point to several billion tonnes of carbon removal needed per year.

The amount of carbon removal ultimately required to avoid the worst impacts of climate change depends on the speed and scale of emissions reductions. We have a near-term opportunity – and imperative – to reduce emissions as much as possible to minimise our future reliance on carbon removal. In most cases, it will be more costly and difficult to remove carbon out of the atmosphere rather than prevent it from being emitted in the first place.

What do you fund?

We fund research into new methods of carbon sequestration, which have their roots in nature, but which could be scaled significantly using biotechnology.

In the coming years, we will support research projects involving sequestration by microorganisms through to plant-based systems. We recognise the challenge and complexity of cutting edge research, but also the huge challenge in finding and deploying scalable carbon removal solutions.

Our inaugural funding announcement launched in February 2023. Through this call we are actively scoping opportunities and encouraging the research community to come forward with their most innovative solutions to accelerating natural carbon removal pathways.

We are excited by the potential application of cutting-edge transformational biotechnologies including synthetic biology, gene editing and engineering biology. We are particularly interested in research on bacteria and microalgae.

We also consider projects involving more speculative research into soil carbon sequestration via fungi and sequestration via macroalgae and archaea. Whilst plant-based systems remain the most well-researched, the application of ground-breaking technologies in genetic engineering and synthetic biology provide significant opportunity as well.

These opportunities represent a snapshot of what may be possible in the world of biotechnology applications to nature-based carbon sequestration in open or closed terrestrial or ocean systems. As we develop our research strategy over the coming months we welcome continued engagement with the research community to inform our evolving priorities.

If you are interested in learning more about our funding priorities and grants, please visit ‘Apply for Funding’.


Get in touch

If you would like to learn more about our work, or are interested in having a conversation to discuss potential ways in partnering with us, then please do reach out to either Tanya Rahman, Director of Strategic Partnerships or Dave Hillyard, CEO.

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